WOW - I cannot believe I haven't posted all month! Sorry to those who read my blog regularly. We were away for two weeks and I don't have a laptop (yet) so that is my excuse.
December went so quick! Did my Christmas shopping early and then we headed up to visit my daughter in South Carolina. Spent a couple of days with her there. Met my furry granddaughter (above) while there....isn't that kitten adorable??? We ate at some great restaurants and walked around downtown Charleston. One place we ate was the Bumba Gump Shrimp Co. and it had Forrest Gump memorabilia all over the restaurant.
Next, we headed up to New York. Our relatives are in New York and Northeastern Pennsylvania. We spent the week including Christmas visiting relatives and enjoying the 30 degree weather. Saw some snow fall didn't stick enough to play with but it was fun to watch fall. I miss the way my hair looks in cooler weather as opposed to the humidity here in Florida. My hair looked great the entire time we were in frizz all week.....LOL.
Anyhow, got home the other day and have spent the time getting rid of the jetlag feeling from driving 20 hours and spent the other half of the time doing laundry. It was nice visiting and all but it is great to be back in the comfort of my own home.
For any readers out there...I just finished London Bridges by James Patterson and it was another one of his excellent books. I am now reading Mary Mary by him and then have one more book left in his Alex Cross detective series to read. If anyone likes mystery detective thrillers with a touch of romance, comedy, and total intrigue...this series is for you. James Patterson has a way of writing that keeps you captured until the very last page. It would be thought that after reading so many of his books I might be able to figure out the storyline or guess at whodunit but I never can....LOL. I have also read James Patterson's....Sam's Letters to Jennifer and Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas. Those two books were love stories but written in the suspense and twist ending style. I just don't know how he keeps doing it...writing twists and curves in every book.
Tomorrow is the New Year 2007 -- Time really flies, especially when you are having fun. Starting the New Year after coming off vacation really gives me this renewed, refreshed and spring cleaning feeling. I don't have any resolutions this year because I finally licked the one I have said year after year....I haven't smoked in nine months and proud of it!!!!!! Hubby hasn't smoked for nine months either and I am so proud of him also. I do have some goals - I will continue spending my time with Family, Exercise More, Read More, Scrapbook More, Save More and Be More Organized.
I have alot of things to look forward to this daughter will be turning 13 and into a teenager and the other will be turning 20 and out of teenagehood (is that a word?). We have a trip to Alaska planned in June and we cannot wait to go there. My husband and I will be celebrating our 14th Wedding Anniversary and our 10th Business Anniversary.
I hope for a Happy and Healthy New Year for our family and yours.