Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Sorry I haven't posted lately but been busy with this and that. We just got back from our Alaskan was Amazing!! The landscape in Alaska is breathtaking. We went on a guided float trip by the Mendenhall Glacier and we went off roading in a guided tour in our own Jeeps in the Yukon in Canada. The jeep trip was extremely off road and scary!! Alaska is so different and beautiful compared to what we are use to in Florida.....LOL. Below are a few pics from the trip. I can't wait to scrapbook this trip. I bought a SB in Alaska that has a picture of the state of Alaska on it......believe it or not, the souvenir shop sold scrapbooking albums and items.

The landscape pictures above are from when we went through a very narrow passage to see a glacier. Lots of ice in the water and the captain went very slow through here - Thank God. The ice is a light blue up close and we saw a seal on the ice also.....he jumped in the water too quick for me to get a picture. The other picture is hubby and me in front of the Yukon sign in Canada.

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