Saturday, February 24, 2007


When did my daughter become 13? Gosh...time really flies when you are having fun. I looked at her the other day and said...when did you become 13? She then cracked a joke or two and we laughed and turned the radio up higher and was singing and clapping each others hands and I realized that no matter how old she gets....she will always be my silly little girl. I hope we can always be close and have fun together. It is hard for me to see her as a teenager but I am trying because I don't want to have a strained relationship as can happen at this age. I want to keep all communication open and want my daughter to know that I am her biggest fan and will always be there for her no matter what. Honesty and communication is the biggest part of any good relationship.

By the way...the 13 is Chipboard and the paper and YOU are Bazzil and the You Are Here and Arrow is from an acrylic stamp. This layout may see a bit messy but I felt really free doing something not neat and rigid for a change and just went with what I felt like doing instead of a neat and organized layout.

1 comment:

Jennifer Stewart said...

love this layout, Sher!!
