Sunday, March 04, 2007

Happy Sunday

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Started off sleeping in late which is always nice for a change...10am is late for me. LoL. Had a bagel and watched one of my taped Oprah shows from the past week.....the one about the movie Wild Hogs. Since we haven't been to a movie in a long time, I asked everyone if they wanted to go and off we went. This movie was SO FUNNY!!!! OMG...there are such hysterical parts in it. It has been a long time since I have more than chuckled at a movie and this one had me rolling in my seat to the point where we were laughing so hard, we couldn't hear the next few movie lines said. Originally, I was afraid of the movie being slap silly stupid but instead it was roaringly funny. The actors each played their parts perfectly and of course, John Travolta looked great!

Came home and made a lasagna with turkey meat and sauted onions and now while it is cooking, I am going to get back to my current book....James Patterson's new one Step On a is sooooooooooooo good!!

Happy Sunday all!!!

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