Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Self Portrait Scrapping

I just love the way this layout came out. Too many of us scrappers don't get in many pictures and when we do, they are usually posed. Here is a shot of myself that I took by looking in the mirror. It is definitely not the best shot of myself but I wanted that....LOL. Read my journaling that went with on this page and you can understand why. At 41 yrs old, we need to start accepting ourselves for "who we are now" and not miss "who we were" as teenagers or younger adults. One of my favorite quotes is....To wish to be someone else is to waste the person you are. So embrace yourself in the here and now and do a "not so perfect" picture on a layout about YOU!

Here is my journaling from that page.....

Here is a picture of the REAL ME..... no makeup, nothing to hide, no emotion, a blank canvas.--not so bad.

I am basically secure in myself-Of course, I want to lose a few pounds but thathas been the story of my life. Now, I care moreabout being a healthy weight and strive to attain that.

I like my face and have come to terms with my curly hair. I am glad to see that I haven’taccumulated too many wrinkles. I notice somelaugh lines but those are from fun and goodtimes and are ok with ME.

At 41, I have come to the realization that I am not perfect - but I am ME. I still care aboutmy appearance but care more about enrichingmy life with happiness, knowledge and experiences.

I don't pretend to be something I am not.

I am happy to be ME.

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